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Integrating Unity Engine in your Jetpack Compose UI

This document covers two key composable functions, UnityEngineView and UnityEngineScaffold, that enable you to display the Unity Engine instance within your Jetpack Compose application.

UnityEngineView - Displaying the Unity Engine

This function provides a basic way to integrate the Unity Engine into your UI:


  • modifier: Modifier to apply to the Unity Engine view for styling and positioning.
  • onUnityEngineCreated: An optional callback invoked when the Unity Engine is created and ready.

Example Usage

Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
    modifier = Modifier.size(300.dp),
    onUnityEngineCreated = { /* Optional callback */ }

This will place a Unity Engine view with a size of 300dp within a Box that fills the entire screen. You can customize the size and position using the modifier parameter.

UnityEngineScaffold - Layout with Unity Engine and Content

This function offers a more structured approach for integrating the Unity Engine alongside other UI elements:


  • modifier: Modifier for the overall layout.
  • unityEngineModifier: Modifier specific to the Unity Engine view.
  • onUnityEngineCreated: Optional callback for Unity Engine creation.
  • content: The composable content to display alongside the Unity Engine.

Example Usage

Column(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
    unityEngineModifier = Modifier.size(200.dp),
    content = {
      Text("Additional UI elements here")
      Button(onClick = {}) {
        Text("Interact with the Unity Engine")

This example creates a column layout with the Unity Engine occupying the top portion (200dp) and additional UI elements (text and button) below.

Key Points

  • Both functions handle the lifecycle management of the Unity Engine instance.
  • Use onUnityEngineCreated to perform actions when the Unity Engine is ready, such as loading specific content or sending messages.
  • Consider using UnityEngineScaffold when you need to integrate the Unity Engine with other UI elements in a structured layout.
  • Remember to import the necessary dependencies and configure your Unity project for proper integration with Jetpack Compose.

This documentation provides a basic overview of these functions. For further details, refer to the source code and explore the available documentation within your project.