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🧩 Sudoklify 🧩


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A Powerful Sudoku Puzzle Generation Library

🧩 Sudoklify is a versatile and intuitive Sudoku puzzle generation library written in Kotlin. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and algorithms for generating Sudoku puzzles of various grid sizes and difficulty levels.

Key Features

  • Efficient and customizable Sudoku puzzle generation algorithms ✨
  • Support for different grid sizes, including 4x4, 9x9, 16x16, and more 📐
  • Multiple difficulty levels - Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert 🌟
  • Flexible token mapping system for personalized puzzle representation 🎨
  • Intuitive API for puzzle generation, population, and solution retrieval 🧩
  • Randomization techniques for puzzle layout and digit placement 🔀

Sudoklify: Redefining Puzzle Generation

Sudoklify reimagines the way Sudoku puzzles are generated, delivering a lightning-fast experience without compromising quality. Here's a glimpse into what makes Sudoklify stand out:

Innovative Puzzle Creation

Traditional Sudoku generators rely on gradually removing numbers from a solved grid, often requiring extensive time and backend resources. Sudoklify, however, operates differently. It starts with a solvable "seed" puzzle and applies a series of ingenious transformations to craft new puzzles. This approach ensures rapid puzzle creation without the need for a complex backend infrastructure.

Unparalleled Puzzle Diversity

Every seed used by Sudoklify unlocks a staggering number of unique puzzles—over 2.4 trillion! To put this into perspective, if you were to solve a puzzle every 3 minutes, it would take more than 13 million lifetimes to exhaust a single seed. 🎉

Transformative Algorithms at Play

Sudoklify leverages a diverse set of transformations to create distinctive puzzles:

  • Board Rotation: Incorporates four permutations (0°, 90°, 180°, 270°).
  • Column Stacks Shuffle: Features six permutations (3!).
  • Row Bands Shuffle: Offers another six permutations (3!).
  • Column Shuffle: Provides a whopping 216 permutations (3! x 3! x 3!).
  • Row Shuffle: Adds another 216 permutations (3! x 3! x 3!).
  • Number Swapping: Introduces an incredible 362,880 permutations (9!).

Combining these transformations results in a staggering number of permutations per seed—2,437,996,216,320. This extensive variety guarantees that each puzzle is a uniquely captivating challenge. 🧠🧩🚀

Getting Started with Sudoklify

Adding Dependencies:

  • Manual Setup: This section guides you through adding Sudoklify dependencies directly to your project's build.gradle files. (Link to Manual Dependency Setup Section)
  • Version Catalog (Recommended): For a more streamlined approach, consider integrating a version catalog. This allows for centralized version management and easier updates. (Link to Version Catalog Section)

Note: If you prefer manual dependency setup, follow the instructions in the "Manual Setup" section. Otherwise, jump to the "Version Catalog" section for centralized management.

For information on using the KAPT plugin, see the KAPT documentation.
For information on using the KSP plugin, see the KSP quick-start documentation.
For more information about dependencies, see Add Build Dependencies.

Adding Sudoklify Dependencies Manually

To use Sudoklify in your app, add the following dependencies to your app's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    def teogorSudoklify = "1.0.0-beta02"

    implementation "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-common:$teogorSudoklify"
    implementation "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-core:$teogorSudoklify"
    implementation "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-ktx:$teogorSudoklify"
    implementation "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-seeds:$teogorSudoklify"
dependencies {
    val teogorSudoklify = "1.0.0-beta02"


This section guides you through utilizing a version catalog for centralized management of Sudoklify dependencies in your project. This approach simplifies updates and ensures consistency.

First, define the dependencies in the libs.versions.toml file:

  • Group-Name Based: This approach is used for declaring libraries referenced by group and artifact name.
  • Module Based: This approach is used for declaring libraries referenced by their module.
teogor-sudoklify = "1.0.0-beta02"

teogor-sudoklify-common = { group = "dev.teogor.sudoklify", name = "sudoklify-common", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }
teogor-sudoklify-core = { group = "dev.teogor.sudoklify", name = "sudoklify-core", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }
teogor-sudoklify-ktx = { group = "dev.teogor.sudoklify", name = "sudoklify-ktx", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }
teogor-sudoklify-seeds = { group = "dev.teogor.sudoklify", name = "sudoklify-seeds", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }
teogor-sudoklify = "1.0.0-beta02"

teogor-sudoklify-common = { module = "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-common", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }
teogor-sudoklify-core = { module = "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-core", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }
teogor-sudoklify-ktx = { module = "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-ktx", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }
teogor-sudoklify-seeds = { module = "dev.teogor.sudoklify:sudoklify-seeds", version.ref = "teogor-sudoklify" }

Then, add these dependencies in your app's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation libs.teogor.sudoklify.common
    implementation libs.teogor.sudoklify.core
    implementation libs.teogor.sudoklify.ktx
    implementation libs.teogor.sudoklify.seeds
dependencies {

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  Designed and developed by 2023 teogor (Teodor Grigor)

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.