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Sudoku Dimension Documentation

This document provides an in-depth overview of the Dimension class within the dev.teogor.sudoklify.components package. This class is essential for representing various Sudoku puzzle sizes and their associated properties.

Key Features

  • Encapsulated Grid Size: The Dimension class encapsulates grid size information through its gridSize property, including the grid's width and height. This encapsulation ensures clarity and consistency when representing different Sudoku variants.

  • Derived Properties: The class provides convenient access to several derived properties based on the grid size, such as:

  • uniqueDigitsCount: Total number of distinct digits.
  • totalCells: Total number of cells in the grid.
  • isSquare: Indicates if the grid is square.
  • width and height: Dimensions of the grid.

  • Human-Readable Name: The name property provides a user-friendly representation like "4x4" for easy identification of the Sudoku grid dimensions.

  • Dedicated Objects: Predefined objects are available for common Sudoku sizes, including FourByFour, SixBySix, NineByNine, and more, enabling quick access to specific grid dimensions.

  • Unspecified Object: An Unspecified object exists to handle cases where the Sudoku size is unknown or unspecified.

Advantages of Using Dimension

Dimension Safety

The Dimension class enforces correct grid size representation, preventing errors or unexpected behavior in Sudoku applications.

Clarity and Maintainability

This class improves code readability and simplifies maintenance by providing well-defined types and properties.


The class supports various Sudoku sizes while ensuring consistency and ease of use, accommodating custom and standard grid dimensions.

Using the Dimension Class

Accessing Predefined Objects

Utilize predefined objects like FourByFour or NineByNine for standard Sudoku grid sizes:

val puzzle4x4: Dimension = Dimension.FourByFour
val puzzle9x9: Dimension = Dimension.NineByNine

Creating Custom Dimensions

For unsupported sizes, create a new instance using the GridSize constructor:

val customSize: Dimension = Dimension(GridSize(5, 8))
println("Custom Sudoku size: ${customSize}")

Accessing Dimension Properties

The Dimension class provides a range of properties to access grid-related information.

1. Dimension.width and Dimension.height

These properties represent the grid's dimensions:

  • Example:
val puzzleSize = Dimension.SixBySix
println("Grid size: ${puzzleSize.width}x${puzzleSize.height}") // Output: Grid size: 6x6

2. Dimension.uniqueDigitsCount

This property provides the total number of unique digits in the Sudoku grid:

  • Example:
val puzzleDigits = Dimension.NineByNine.uniqueDigitsCount
println("Total unique digits: $puzzleDigits") // Output: Total unique digits: 81

3. Dimension.totalCells

This property returns the total number of cells in the grid:

  • Example:
val puzzle = Dimension.NineByNine

for (cellIndex in 0..<puzzle.totalCells) {
  println("Processing cell: $cellIndex")

4. Dimension.isSquare

This boolean property indicates whether the grid is square:

  • Example:
val isSquareSudoku = Dimension.FourByFour.isSquare
println("Is square: $isSquareSudoku") // Output: Is square: true

5. Dimension.boxWidth and Dimension.boxHeight

These properties represent the dimensions of a single box within the grid:

  • Example:
val puzzle = Dimension.NineByNine
val boxWidth = puzzle.boxWidth
val boxHeight = puzzle.boxHeight
println("Box size: ${boxWidth}x${boxHeight}") // Output: Box size: 3x3


This property provides a human-readable name for the Sudoku dimension:

  • Example:
val sudokuName =
println("Sudoku name: $sudokuName") // Output: Sudoku name: 16x16

Working with Sudoku Types

Grid Analysis Extensions

The Dimension class provides several methods to analyze the grid structure.

  • getAllDigits(): Returns the valid range of digits (1 to uniqueDigitsCount).
  • isDigitValid(digit: Int): Checks if a given digit is valid within the Sudoku's range.

Accessing Cell Information

  • getCellRowIndex(cellIndex: Int): Returns the row index for a given cell.
  • getCellColumnIndex(cellIndex: Int): Returns the column index for a given cell.

Working with Boxes

  • getBoxIndex(row: Int, col: Int): Returns the box index for a cell at a specific row and column.
  • getBoxCoordinates(row: Int, col: Int): Returns the coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners of the box containing a cell.

Cell Relationships

  • areCellsInSameRow(cellIndex1: Int, cellIndex2: Int): Checks if two cells share the same row.
  • areCellsInSameColumn(cellIndex1: Int, cellIndex2: Int): Checks if two cells share the same column.
  • areCellsInSameBox(cellIndex1: Int, cellIndex2: Int): Checks if two cells are in the same box.
  • areCellsRelated(row1: Int, col1: Int, row2: Int, col2: Int): Checks if two cells are related (in the same row, column, or box).
