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Exception thrown when no Sudoku schemas are found for a given difficulty.

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Exception thrown when no Sudoku schemas are found for a given Sudoku type.

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class SudokuSchema(val puzzle: SudokuString, val solution: SudokuString, val difficulty: Difficulty, val dimension: Dimension)

Represents a schema for generating Sudoku puzzles.

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Represents a set of Sudoku schemas.


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Adds multiple SudokuSchema instances to the set from an array.

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Requires that there are Sudoku schemas for the given difficulty.

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Requires that there are Sudoku schemas for the given type.

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fun SudokuSchema(puzzle: String, solution: String, difficulty: Difficulty, dimension: Dimension): SudokuSchema

Creates a new SudokuSchema instance with the specified puzzle, solution, difficulty, and Sudoku type.

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Creates a SudokuSchemas using a SudokuSchemas.Builder with a DSL-style configuration.

inline fun SudokuSchemas(existingSet: SudokuSchemas, builder: SudokuSchemas.Builder.() -> Unit): SudokuSchemas

Updates an existing SudokuSchemas using a SudokuSchemas.Builder configured with a DSL-style lambda.