Package-level declarations
A custom exception thrown when the Sudoku schemas list is empty.
A class responsible for constructing Sudoku puzzles using provided Sudoku schemas.
Assembles a Sudoku puzzle based on the provided configuration and specifications.
Interface for manipulating Sudoku layouts.
Interface for mapping Sudoku layouts to token sequences.
Converts a string representation of a Sudoku board to a two-dimensional list of custom elements, allowing access to row and column indices during mapping.
Converts a string representation of a Sudoku board to a two-dimensional list of integers.
Converts a string representation of a Sudoku board to a two-dimensional list of elements of type T.
Creates a new instance of SudoklifyArchitect using a DSL-style lambda to configure SudokuSchemas.
Creates a SudoklifyAssembler instance using a DSL-style function.
Creates a SudoklifyAssembler instance using a DSL-style function with a configuration block.