Package-level declarations


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Represents the different modes for mistake checking in the Sudoku game.

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Class for advising on Sudoku moves by analyzing the grid and suggesting possible next moves.

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class SudoklifySolverEngine<T>(gridProcessor: SudokuGridProcessor<T>, puzzle: SudokuPuzzle)

Engine for solving Sudoku puzzles using the provided puzzle configuration and grid processor.

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data class SudokuCellState(val value: Int, val solution: Int, val isLocked: Boolean, var isError: Boolean = false)

Represents the state of a single Sudoku cell.

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Interface for processing Sudoku grids, converting between cell types, and checking for mistakes.

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data class SudokuMove(val row: Int, val col: Int, val value: Int)

Data class representing a suggested move in the Sudoku puzzle.


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fun <T> createSudokuGridProcessor(getValue: (T) -> Int, isLocked: (T) -> Boolean, getSolution: (T) -> Int, isError: (T) -> Boolean, updateCell: (row: Int, col: Int, state: SudokuCellState, cell: T) -> T): SudokuGridProcessor<T>

Creates a default implementation of SudokuGridProcessor for a specific grid cell type.

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inline fun <T> List<List<T>>.processGridMistakes(mistakesMethod: MistakeCheckingMode, dimension: Dimension, crossinline getValue: (T) -> Int, crossinline isLocked: (T) -> Boolean, crossinline getSolution: (T) -> Int, crossinline isError: (T) -> Boolean, crossinline updateCell: (row: Int, col: Int, SudokuCellState, T) -> T): List<List<T>>

Converts the grid to SudokuCellState, checks for mistakes, and converts it back to the original grid type.

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inline fun <T> SudoklifySolverEngine(gridProcessor: SudokuGridProcessor<T>, puzzle: SudokuPuzzle, mistakeCheckingMode: MistakeCheckingMode = MistakeCheckingMode.CheckViolations): SudoklifySolverEngine<T>

DSL function for creating a SudoklifySolverEngine instance with the specified parameters.

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inline fun <T> List<List<T>>.toSudokuCellStates(crossinline getValue: (T) -> Int, crossinline isLocked: (T) -> Boolean, crossinline getSolution: (T) -> Int, crossinline isError: (T) -> Boolean): List<List<SudokuCellState>>

Converts the grid to SudokuCellState using the provided lambdas.

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inline fun <T> List<List<SudokuCellState>>.toUserGrid(crossinline updateCell: (row: Int, col: Int, SudokuCellState, T) -> T, originalGrid: List<List<T>>): List<List<T>>

Converts the grid of SudokuCellState back to the original grid type.