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Managing Randomness for Sudoku Generation

This documentation explores the Seed class in the sudoklify library, a powerful tool for controlling and customizing the randomness of your Sudoku puzzles. Seed offers a safe and structured way to handle different types of seeds, ensuring reproducible and consistent puzzle generation while providing flexibility and control.

Key Benefits

  • Type Safety and Validation: Guarantees valid seed values, preventing errors and unexpected behavior.
  • Random vs. Explicit Seeds: Choose between randomly generated seeds for variety or specific values for controlled puzzle creation.
  • Intuitive Functions: Easily create, manipulate, and access seeds with clear and convenient functions.
  • Reproducible Puzzles: Generate consistent Sudoku grids using the same seed for sharing or testing purposes.

Understanding Seed Types

  • Random: Generates a new seed based on the system's random number generator, ensuring different puzzles each time.
  • Explicit: Allows you to specify a specific long value as the seed, enabling precise control over the generated puzzle.

Key features

  • toRandom() function: Converts a Seed object to a kotlin.random.Random instance.
  • Explicit constructor: Allows creation of explicit seeds with custom values.
  • nextSeed() function: Generates a new Seed object with an incremented value (if applicable).
  • copy() function: Creates a copy of the Seed object with an optional new value.
  • toString() function: Provides a human-readable representation of the Seed object.

Working with Seeds

Creating Seeds

1. Creating a Random seed

val randomSeed: Seed = Seed.Random()
println(randomSeed) // Output: RandomSeed(-7367563790280219005)

2. Creating an Explicit seed

There are two ways to create an Explicit object:

2.1 Using toSeed()

The toSeed() extension function directly converts the Long value to an ExplicitSeed:

val longSeed: Long = 123
val seedFromLong = longSeed.toSeed()

println(seedFromLong) // Output: ExplicitSeed(123)

2.2 Using createSeed()

The createSeed() function offers a more explicit way to create a Seed:

val longSeed: Long = 123
val seedFromCreate = createSeed(longSeed)

println(seedFromCreate) // Output: ExplicitSeed(123)

Choosing the right method:

Both methods achieve the same outcome, so the choice depends on your preference and coding style.

  • toSeed(): More concise and convenient for direct conversion.
  • createSeed(): More explicit and readable, especially if you need additional parameters or logic in the future.

Additional notes:

  • Remember that any negative Long values will trigger an exception with both methods.

Utilizing Seeds

1. Getting the next seed

val nextSeed = explicitSeed.nextSeed()
println(nextSeed) // Output: ExplicitSeed(43)

2. Copying a seed

val copiedSeed = explicitSeed.copy(seed = 50)
println(copiedSeed) // Output: ExplicitSeed(50)

3. Creating a kotlin.random.Random instance

val randomInstance = explicitSeed.toRandom()

Additional notes

  • You can use the toRandom() function to access the actual random number generator instance.
  • Refer to the source code for further details on specific functionalities and potential exceptions.
