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Sudoklify Solver - Documentation


Sudoklify is a powerful Kotlin library designed to assist in creating and solving Sudoku puzzles. The solver package provides a robust set of tools to help developers implement mistake-checking, suggest potential moves, and solve puzzles efficiently. This document outlines the key use cases of the solver package, providing practical examples to help you integrate it into your project.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

To start using Sudoklify in your project, include the dependency in your build file:

dependencies {

Core Components


MistakeCheckingMode is an enum that defines the modes for mistake checking:

  • NoChecking: Disables mistake checking.
  • CheckViolations: Checks for rule violations without comparing to the final solution.
  • CheckAgainstSolution: Compares input directly against the final solution.


SudoklifyMoveAdvisor helps in suggesting the next possible move by analyzing the grid and identifying cells where only one value is possible.


SudoklifySolverEngine is the core engine for solving Sudoku puzzles. It combines mistake checking, move advising, and other utilities to provide a comprehensive solution for Sudoku gameplay.


SudokuGridProcessor is an interface for processing grids. It allows conversion between different cell types, checking for mistakes, and updating grids.


SudokuMove represents a move suggestion in the puzzle, indicating the row, column, and value to be placed.

Use Cases

Checking for Mistakes

Using SudoklifySolverEngine, you can check for mistakes in the player's input. The engine will identify errors based on the selected MistakeCheckingMode.

Suggesting the Next Move

The SudoklifyMoveAdvisor can suggest the next optimal move for the player, especially when they are stuck. This feature is useful for providing hints during gameplay.

Solving a Sudoku Puzzle

The SudoklifySolverEngine can solve the entire puzzle based on the given grid and rules. This is particularly useful in automated testing or hint systems.


Basic Mistake Checking

val gridProcessor = createSudokuGridProcessor(
    getValue = { cell -> cell.value },
    isLocked = { cell -> cell.isLocked },
    getSolution = { cell -> cell.solution },
    isError = { cell -> cell.isError },
    updateCell = { row, col, state, cell -> cell.copy(isError = state.isError) }

val puzzle: SudokuPuzzle = // Initialize with puzzle data

val solverEngine = SudoklifySolverEngine(gridProcessor, puzzle)

val checkedGrid = solverEngine.processGridMistakes(currentGrid)

Move Suggestion

val advisor = SudoklifyMoveAdvisor(dimension = puzzle.dimension)
val nextMove = advisor.suggestNextMove(currentGrid)

if (nextMove != null) {
    println("Suggested move: Place ${nextMove.value} at row ${nextMove.row}, column ${nextMove.col}")
} else {
    println("No move suggestion available.")