Package-level declarations


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class HashCodeBuilder(initialValue: Int = 31, multiplier: Int = 31)

A utility class for building hash codes using a custom algorithm.

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Defines the various formats for class name representation.


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Retrieves the global Context.

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Retrieves the current Activity context.

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Extension property that provides the platform-specific name for the class.


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inline fun buildHashCode(initialValue: Int = 31, multiplier: Int = 31, builderAction: HashCodeBuilder.() -> Unit): Int

Creates a hash code using a custom builder action.

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inline fun buildLazyHashCode(crossinline initializer: HashCodeBuilder.() -> Unit): Lazy<Int>

Creates a lazy hash code using a builder initializer function.

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actual fun KClass<*>.getFormattedName(format: NameFormat): String?

Provides the class name in a specified format. The format parameter allows for different naming conventions, including fully qualified names, simple names, and platform-specific formats.

expect fun KClass<*>.getFormattedName(format: NameFormat = NameFormat.QUALIFIED): String?

Provides the class name in a specified format. The format parameter allows for different naming conventions, including fully qualified names, simple names, and platform-specific formats.

actual fun KClass<*>.getFormattedName(format: NameFormat): String?

Provides the class name in a specified format. The format parameter allows for different naming conventions, including fully qualified names, simple names, and platform-specific formats.

actual fun KClass<*>.getFormattedName(format: NameFormat): String?

Provides the class name in a specified format. The format parameter allows for different naming conventions, including fully qualified names, simple names, and platform-specific formats.

actual fun KClass<*>.getFormattedName(format: NameFormat): String?

Provides the class name in a specified format. The format parameter allows for different naming conventions, including fully qualified names, simple names, and platform-specific formats.

actual fun KClass<*>.getFormattedName(format: NameFormat): String?

Provides the class name in a specified format. The format parameter allows for different naming conventions, including fully qualified names, simple names, and platform-specific formats.

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fun lazyHashCode(initializer: () -> Int): Lazy<Int>

Creates a lazy hash code using an initializer function.