
constructor(    major: Int,     minor: Int,     patch: Int,     flag: ReleaseStatus = ReleaseStatus.Stable,     isDeprecated: Boolean = false,     versionQualifier: Int = 0,     versionQualifierPadding: Int = 2)



The major version number.


The minor version number.


The patch version number.


The release flag, indicating whether the version is an alpha or beta release (default: None).


Whether the version is deprecated (default: false).


The version qualifier for alpha or beta releases (default: 0).


The padding for the version qualifier (default: 2).

TODO Create an interface called Version that can be used to represent different types of versions, such as date versions and number versions

  • DateVersion : Version Example: DateVersion(2023, 11, 02)

  • NumericVersion : Version Example: NumericVersion(10, 3, 4)

TODO: Create an interface called Version that can be used to represent different types of versions, such as date versions and numeric versions.


  • Create an interface called Version.

  • Create a class called DateVersion that implements the Version interface.

  • Add the following properties to the DateVersion class:

    • year: The year of the version.

    • month: The month of the version.

    • day: The day of the version.

  • Create a class called NumericVersion that implements the Version interface.

  • Add the following properties to the NumericVersion class:

    • major: The major version number.

    • minor: The minor version number.

    • patch: The patch version number.

  • Update the interface to reference the new DateVersion and NumericVersion classes.

Examples: // Example of a date version val dateVersion = DateVersion(2023, 11, 2) // Example of a number version val numericVersion = NumericVersion(10, 3, 4)