Package-level declarations


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data class ChangelogEntry(val version: Version, val previousVersion: Version?, val info: String?, val content: String?, val sections: List<ChangelogSection>?)
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data class ChangelogItem(val message: String, val authors: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(), val elements: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf())
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data class ChangelogSection(val type: String, val items: List<ChangelogItem>)


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Checks whether the project has the Android library plugin applied.

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Checks whether the project has the Kotlin DSL plugin applied.

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Checks whether the project has the Kotlin Multiplatform plugin applied.

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fun Project.hasPublishPlugin(): Boolean

Checks whether the project has any of the publishing plugins applied.

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fun Project.hasWindsPlugin(): Boolean

Checks whether the project has the Winds plugin applied.

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inline fun Project.processWindsChildProjects(crossinline action: Project.() -> Unit)

Applies a given action to all child projects that have the Winds plugin applied.