Package-level declarations


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fun createVersion(major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int, block: Version.VersionBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Version

Creates a new Version object with the specified major, minor, and patch version numbers, and applies the provided configuration block.

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infix fun String): File

Creates a directory at the given path relative to this file or a specified root directory.

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infix fun File.file(path: String): File

Creates a file at the given path relative to this file or a specified root directory.

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inline operator fun <T> Winds.getValue(thisRef: Nothing?, property: KProperty<*>): T
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fun Project.hasWindsPlugin(): Boolean
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fun Project.inheritFromParentWinds(winds: Winds)
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fun Project.isRootProject(): Boolean
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inline fun <T : Person> ModuleMetadata.person(noinline block: T.() -> Unit)
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inline fun Project.processProjectsWithWinds(includeRoot: Boolean = false, crossinline action: Project.() -> Unit)
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infix fun BufferedReader.() -> Unit)

Reads content from a file using a buffered reader.

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inline fun <T : Scm> ModuleMetadata.scm(noinline block: T.() -> Unit)
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inline fun <T : TicketSystem> ModuleMetadata.ticketSystem(noinline block: T.() -> Unit)
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Creates a new Version object using a fluent builder pattern.

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infix fun File.write(block: BufferedWriter.() -> Unit)

Writes content to a file using a buffered writer.