Package-level declarations


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class ContentCopyException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeException

Exception thrown when copying content fails during the task execution.

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class DrifterPlugin : Plugin<Project>

A plugin for the Drifter framework.

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class FolderDeletionException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeException

Exception thrown when folder deletion fails during the task execution.

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open class RefreshUnityAssetsTask : DefaultTask

A Gradle task for refreshing and updating Unity assets and resources in the project's directory.

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open class UnityNativeBuildTask : DefaultTask

A Gradle task for building native code for Unity integration.


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Getter for the drifter.unity.path.export property from Gradle properties.

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Getter for the drifter.unity.path.ndk property from Gradle properties.


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fun CommonExtension<*, *, *, *, *, *>.applyUnityManifestPlaceholders(unityOptions: UnityOptions)

Applies the Unity manifest placeholders to the project's manifest.

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fun Project.createRefreshUnityAssetsTask(unityOptions: UnityOptions)

Creates and registers a RefreshUnityAssetsTask with the given unityOptions.

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fun Project.createUnityNativeBuildTask(unityOptions: UnityOptions)

Creates and registers a UnityNativeBuildTask with the given unityOptions.

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inline fun <T> Project.getProperty(key: String, defaultValue: T? = null): T?

Retrieves a property from and converts it to the specified type.

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Retrieves the Drifter Unity export path from Gradle properties.

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Retrieves the Drifter Unity NDK path from Gradle properties.

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fun Project.unityBuildTask(commonExtension: CommonExtension<*, *, *, *, *, *>, unityOptions: UnityOptions)
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fun Project.unityOptions(androidConfig: CommonExtension<*, *, *, *, *, *>, configure: UnityOptions.() -> Unit)

Configure BuildConfig-specific options for the Android project.