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Represents different levels of contrast for UI components.

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Mutable implementation of PaletteonConfig to allow changes to configuration settings.

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interface PaletteonConfig

Interface for managing Paletteon configuration settings.

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annotation class PaletteonDsl
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data class PaletteonTheme(val seedColor: Color = Color.Blue, val useDarkTheme: Boolean = false, val withAmoled: Boolean = false, val style: PaletteStyle = PaletteStyle.TonalSpot, val contrast: Contrast = Contrast.Default, val isExtendedFidelity: Boolean = false, val modifyColorScheme: PaletteonTheme.(ColorScheme) -> ColorScheme? = null)

Data class representing the theme configuration for Paletteon.

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Represents different styles for generating color palettes, aligned with Variant in the Material Design guidelines.


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Returns the on-success color from the current ColorScheme.

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Returns the on-success container color from the current ColorScheme.

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Returns the on-warning color from the current ColorScheme.

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Returns the on-warning container color from the current ColorScheme.

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Returns the success color from the current ColorScheme.

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Returns the success container color from the current ColorScheme.

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Returns the warning color from the current ColorScheme.

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Returns the warning container color from the current ColorScheme.


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Configures the current PaletteonTheme using a DSL-style builder.

Configures a new PaletteonTheme using a DSL-style builder.

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fun paletteonColorScheme(seedColor: Color, isDark: Boolean, isAmoled: Boolean, style: PaletteStyle = PaletteStyle.TonalSpot, contrast: Contrast = Contrast.Default, isExtendedFidelity: Boolean = false, modifyColorScheme: (ColorScheme) -> ColorScheme? = null): ColorScheme

Creates a ColorScheme based on the given seedColor and isDark mode.

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fun PaletteonDynamicTheme(seedColor: Color, useDarkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), withAmoled: Boolean = false, style: PaletteStyle = PaletteStyle.TonalSpot, contrast: Contrast = Contrast.Default, isExtendedFidelity: Boolean = false, shapes: Shapes = MaterialTheme.shapes, typography: Typography = MaterialTheme.typography, animate: Boolean = false, animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Color> = spring(stiffness = Spring.StiffnessLow), content: @Composable () -> Unit)

A custom theme based on Paletteon, which adapts to the provided seed color and other configuration parameters.

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Remembers and returns a Color associated with a specific DynamicColor role.

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fun rememberPaletteonColorScheme(seedColor: Color, isDark: Boolean, isAmoled: Boolean = false, style: PaletteStyle = PaletteStyle.TonalSpot, contrast: Contrast = Contrast.Default, isExtendedFidelity: Boolean = false, modifyColorScheme: (ColorScheme) -> ColorScheme? = null): ColorScheme

Creates and remember a ColorScheme based on the given seedColor and isDark mode.