
fun PaletteonSurface(modifier: Modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().minHeight(100.vh), color: Color = Color.Unspecified, contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(color), content: @Composable BoxScope.() -> Unit)

A customizable surface component that applies a background color and content color to a Surface element. This composable is designed to provide a consistent and flexible surface style with options for background color, content color, and layout modifiers.



Modifier to be applied to the Surface. By default, it fills the maximum width and has a minimum height of 100 viewport height units.


Background color of the surface. Defaults to Color.Unspecified, which will use a transparent background.


Color for the content inside the surface. Defaults to a color calculated to ensure good contrast against the background color, using contentColorFor.


Composable lambda that represents the content to be displayed inside the surface. The lambda is applied in the context of BoxScope.