Adds a vector path to this icon using the default settings for the Paletteon library. This function simplifies adding paths to an icon, providing default values for path properties that align with Material Design standards.
The ImageVector.Builder instance to continue building the vector image.
The alpha (opacity) for the fill color of this path.
The alpha (opacity) for the stroke color of this path.
The PathFillType that determines how the interior of the path is calculated.
The Color used to fill the path. Default is black.
The Color used to stroke the path. If null, no stroke is applied.
The width of the stroke for this path. Default is 1dp.
The StrokeCap that defines the shape of the ends of lines. Default is StrokeCap.Butt.
The StrokeJoin that defines the shape of the corners of paths. Default is StrokeJoin.Bevel.
The limit for the miter join. This value is used when strokeLineJoin is StrokeJoin.Miter.
The lambda where path commands are defined to create the desired shape.