Package-level declarations


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Mutable implementation of PaletteonConfig to allow changes to configuration settings.

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interface PaletteonConfig

Interface for managing Paletteon configuration settings.

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data class PaletteonTheme(val seedColor: Color = Color.Blue, val useDarkTheme: Boolean = false, val withAmoled: Boolean = false, val style: PaletteStyle = PaletteStyle.TonalSpot, val contrast: Contrast = Contrast.Default, val isExtendedFidelity: Boolean = false, val animate: Boolean = false)

Data class representing the theme configuration for Paletteon.


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Retrieves the current Paletteon theme from local storage or provides default values if not found.

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fun initPaletteon(ctx: InitSilkContext)

Initializes the Paletteon configuration based on values stored in local storage.

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fun PaletteonKobwebProvider(content: @Composable () -> Unit)

A Composable provider for managing the Paletteon theme and color mode within a Kobweb application.

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Saves the given PaletteonTheme to local storage.