
data class PaletteonTheme(val seedColor: Color = Color.Blue, val useDarkTheme: Boolean = false, val withAmoled: Boolean = false, val style: PaletteStyle = PaletteStyle.TonalSpot, val contrast: Contrast = Contrast.Default, val isExtendedFidelity: Boolean = false, val animate: Boolean = false)

Data class representing the theme configuration for Paletteon.


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constructor(seedColor: Color = Color.Blue, useDarkTheme: Boolean = false, withAmoled: Boolean = false, style: PaletteStyle = PaletteStyle.TonalSpot, contrast: Contrast = Contrast.Default, isExtendedFidelity: Boolean = false, animate: Boolean = false)


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val animate: Boolean = false

Indicates whether animations should be applied to the theme changes. Defaults to false.

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val colorScheme: ColorScheme

Computes the color scheme based on the current theme settings.

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The contrast setting for the theme. Defaults to Contrast.Default.

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Indicates whether extended fidelity is enabled. Defaults to false.

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val seedColor: Color

The primary color used for the theme. Defaults to Color.Blue.

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The style to be applied to the theme. Defaults to PaletteStyle.TonalSpot.

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val useDarkTheme: Boolean = false

Indicates whether the dark theme should be used. Defaults to false.

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val withAmoled: Boolean = false

Indicates whether AMOLED mode should be enabled. Defaults to false.