Package-level declarations


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Represents various angles for rotation in the Paletteon library. This enum provides predefined angles that can be used to rotate an ImageVector.

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enum Flip : Enum<Flip>

Represents different flipping (mirroring) options for vector graphics in the Paletteon library. This enum provides predefined options for mirroring an ImageVector either horizontally, vertically, or both.

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object Icons
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Utility class for editing and transforming ImageVector instances. This class provides methods to apply rotation and flipping transformations to an ImageVector.


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Extension function for ImageVector that applies a series of transformations using the ImageVectorEditor. This function provides a DSL-like syntax for applying rotations, flips, and other transformations to the vector.

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inline fun paletteonIcon(name: String, autoMirror: Boolean = false, block: ImageVector.Builder.() -> ImageVector.Builder): ImageVector

Utility function to construct an icon in the Paletteon library with default size and vector information. This function is primarily used by generated icons within the library and is not intended for manual use outside of icon generation.

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inline fun ImageVector.Builder.paletteonPath(fillAlpha: Float = 1.0f, strokeAlpha: Float = 1.0f, pathFillType: PathFillType = DefaultFillType, fill: Color = Color.Black, stroke: Color? = null, strokeLineWidth: Float = 1.0f, strokeLineCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt, strokeLineJoin: StrokeJoin = StrokeJoin.Bevel, strokeLineMiter: Float = 1.0f, pathBuilder: PathBuilder.() -> Unit): ImageVector.Builder

Adds a vector path to this icon using the default settings for the Paletteon library. This function simplifies adding paths to an icon, providing default values for path properties that align with Material Design standards.